| Wise words.
- The practice of funding a project or venture by raising a specific amount of money from a large number of people.
A term very well known but not used by many..
We chose to break down this term because we feel that now, more than ever, is the time to start adjusting our spending habits, thinking habits, and financial practices.
A brief example of this term:
Let's say 100 young people in a community were to come together to create a fund, each of them consistently investing about $20 into the crowd fund every 2 weeks, which would equal to $40 a month. After adding that up, it turns out to be a staggering $24,000 raised just within 6 months. With this $24,000, let's say a few of the people within the crowd fund have knowledge on stocks, real estate, or something else very lucrative, you would then have $24,000 to invest in something that could double, triple, or even quintuple your $24,000 investment in no time with each person owning a share of the investment. Then you do it again and again and again, there by creating the crowd's own generational wealth by just simply investing $40 a month.
Sounds easy right? The only thing is, it's not.
Just like with most things challenging, there could be massive reward though, like the company Filecoin that raised $257,000,000 in just a month due to its own crowd funding campaign.
Many companies and families have successfully pulled this off but it seems that younger crowds don't take to it lightly, we like to build our own. Which, even though is great to do, many should know that you will reach financial freedom a lot faster when building with each other. More building, less breaking down...
WE can do this, let's "inve$t in us."
- The simple task of making sure your day 1's dreams don't go unnoticed or unsupported.
We chose to break down this term because a lot of folks act like it's rocket science to be a supporter of your peers when really it doesn't take much to do.
This is something that's sometimes free, doesn't take much effort and can change your homie & even your life too. When we say "support the homies" this means contributing to their vision in any way possible, whether that's money, giving honest feedback, words of encouragement, or simply a repost, like, or comment on every post they discuss their business idea or proposition on. Sometimes all a new business owner, content creators, or entrepreneur needs is a little bit of encouragement and support from those they love to keep them motivated to do good in the world.
When it comes to buying from the homie, don't pay full amount, PAY EXTRA... We give these other brands/companies what they ask for with no question, why not keep the same energy with your peers? At least they're somebody who you can relate to.
This is what we, at Yang, want to see more of.
Fuck hatin', let's get money, support each other and empower those around us to do the same.
You can have all the money in the world but it won't mean anything if you can't enjoy it with the ones you love. So after reading this, go support a friends' business any way you can because at the end of the day, we're all trying to get somewhere... all it takes is for the right amount of people to contribute.